Monday, July 18, 2011

Midsummer’s legislative report; here’s an update on AB18, from the 7/13/11 Santa Monica Daily Press Brownleys school financing reform bill stalls in Senate

A bill to reform K-12 school financing, championed by Assemblywoman Julia Brownley (D-Santa Monica), has stalled in its progress through the state Senate after winning near-unanimous support in the Assembly. The bill, known as AB18, would simplify school financing by reducing the number of categorical funds — funds that hold money that can only be spent on one purpose — to four large umbrella categories.

These larger categories would give local school districts the flexibility to choose where their state funding would best be spent, and would, supposedly, get rid of earmarks or unnecessary spending. Although the bill passed the Assembly with only two "no" votes, it became clear that the state Senate would be a harder hurdle to jump, Brownley said. Instead, she chose to convert the legislation into a two-year bill and use the extra time to try to address concerns brought during its debut in the Senate.

"I made the decision to make it what we call a two-year bill because it's a big, aggressive bill," Brownley said. "Trying to simplify a very complicated system takes time … We wanted to try to get the bill really right."

So far, AB18 has taken some heat from the California Teachers' Association and groups that advocate for adult education. Adult education supporters feared that by lumping money specifically earmarked for programs aimed at older students in with other categories in a block called "Base Funding" could lead to school districts axing the program in order to pay for other things.

Adult education has already taken major hits under so-called "flexibility" measures, which have allowed school districts to take money from the programs, or close them altogether, to support K-12 education, said Teri Burns, a legislative advocate for the California Association of Adult Education Administrators.

"Generally, the public's perception is that schools should serve K-12 education," Burns said. "When funding is tight, the pressure is on where to direct those dollars. You're pitting the cute little first grader against someone who's a young adult, or an older adult who doesn't have great work or English language skills, and is a less sympathetic character."

These concerns prompted Brownley to remove adult education from the "Base Funding" category, and preserve it as its own category for the time being. By removing it from one of the four main block funds envisioned in the bill, adult education will be safe from having its funding absorbed into other uses. Part of the decision to hold off on the bill is to invite opinions and concerns so that the bill won't have any unintended consequences, Brownley said. "There's clearly lots of concern about adult education," she said.

Still, Brownley holds that the basic architecture of the bill is sound, and this process will help fill in some of the details that need to be addressed. "All of the stakeholders have a fundamental agreement. The system is broken and needs to be changed," she said. "Now we need to get all the details nailed down."

Brownley carried a similar bill earlier in her term which got through both the Assembly and the Senate only to be vetoed by former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.The previous version created a working group that would be used to hash out the details and special interests.

This time, Brownley intended to cut out the middle man and make a working group out of the legislative process. She still hopes to pass the bill before the end of her term in 2012. "I've been working on this since I've been in the legislature," she said.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

I would be remiss if I didn’t offer a reflection the 2010-11 school year. The year ended on June 30, and we are in a position to increase our services to adult learners in the Berkeley community. Specifically, we’ll be targeting transitions for secondary students to community college, employment for CTE students, completion for language learners and increased support to Berkeley Unified School district in the areas of credit recovery and CTE coordination for grades 7-Adult.

The path to June 30 held challenges, and with the support of our Board of Education and Superintendent Bill Huyett, our budget is in good shape. Director Josh Daniels posted this letter recently, regarding our budget:

Our district Block Entitlement grant (former ADA apportionment) is just below $3,000,000 and we have secured several grants that are restricted to specific programs, to supplement our targeted programming and mission statement.

Some highlights of the year are the 150 adult students who earned a High School Diploma, 22 who earned a GED, 300 + who completed a CTE certificate program, thousands who acquired language skills in ESL classes and the hundreds of students we are able to serve in our Offsite and Community Interest classes.

I take pride in our staff's efforts in securing a new secondary education grant (Policy to Performance, sponsored by CA Dept of Ed). We also made improvements in our WIA federal grant, which reflects learning gains in ESL, ABE and ASE programs. Our federal grant supporting Dept of Rehab clients received high ratings in a review by DOR and will continue to supplement our goals. We made strides in our efforts to align CTE curricula to industry standards and we increased our ability to support District goals.

Getting to know the BUSD community, BAS staff and students has been a great opportunity, and I am energized to continue the work. As our Superintendent says, “Berkeley is the place to be!” I am grateful for all the support through the year from everyone. Looking ahead, there is much on the horizon for BAS.

BAS Leadership Planning will focus on accreditation and preparation for the Visiting Committee from WASC in March. To that end, we have the following scheduled meetings:

Leadership Retreat, August 24 (tentative)
Staff Development, August 26 & 29, October 10 and January 30

In addition to these dates, monthly leadership, coordination and department meetings will focus on accreditation and completion of our Self Study report.

We are eager to begin implementation of the state sponsored Policy to Performance grant and facilitate the transition of a cohort of secondary students to community college. We have made gains in our federal Workforce Investment Act literacy grant and will implement eTesting for further improvement. We completed a favorable review with our federal Department of Rehabilitation grant and will continue to transition Workability II clients to employment. We will persist in fostering collaborative partnerships to provide necessary services to our community.

I will continue to post adult education legislation and advocacy efforts here. The following link has updates on AB 18, AB 189 and other state and federal legislation of interest

Classes begin August 30. Until then, good summer!