Bay Section Winter Conference & Excellence Awards is being held on Saturday, March 10, 2012. This annual event will be hosted by the Bay Section at
Berkeley Adult School from 8:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Another highlight of the conference will be honoring recipients for Excellence in Adult Education in the categories of Excellence in Teaching, Excellence in Support Services, Lifetime Membership, and CCAE Retiree Recognition.
The theme of the conference this year is "Linking Adults to Opportunities".
Saturday, March 10, 2012 |
7:00 a.m.–8:00 a.m. | Exhibitor Set-Up |
8:00 a.m.–9:00 a.m. | • On-Site Registration
• Continental Breakfast sponsored by Boston Reed
• Visit Exhibitors/Vendors |
9:00 a.m.–9:50 a.m. | • Opening Session—Legislative Advocacy Panel Discussion |
10:00 a.m.–10:50 a.m. | • Workshop Session 1 |
11:00 a.m..–11:50 a.m. | • Workshop Session 2 |
12:00 p.m.–12:50 p.m. | • Box Lunch from The Bread Project
• Guest Speaker: CCAE State President, Chris Nelson
• CCAE Bay Section Excellence Awards
• Visit Exhibitors/Vendors |
1:00 p.m.–1:50 p.m. | • Workshop Session 3 |
2:00 p.m.–2:30 p.m. | • Door Prizes |
Creating a Workplace Readiness Class for Adult ESL and ABE
Julie Feferman, Perez Instructor and Career Technical Education Advisor
Hayward Adult School
Creating a Workplace Readiness Class for Adult ESL and ABEJulie Feferman, Perez Instructor and Career Technical Education Advisor
Hayward Adult School
Leading Adult Learners—Managing GED Students for Success
Damon Tinnon— Teacher, Joe Escalera—Student, Napa Valley Adult School
GED: Pass Now, Prepare for the Future
Renee Clark, Educational Consultant, Steck-Vaughn/HMH
Christine Paynton, ABE/GED/CTE Instructor—Mt. Diablo Adult Education
Proven Strategies for ESL Program SuccessMarilyn Knight-Mendelson, Assistant Principal, Napa Valley Adult School
Susana van Bezooijen, Program Specialist, CASAS
Transitioning Adult ESL with FutureTracy Bailie, ESL Specialist, Pearson Longman
Collaborations for Career Success: Supporting Adult ESL Students Transitioning from Adult School to Community College to Work
Kristen Pursley, ESL Lead Teacher, West Contra Costa Adult Education
Nain Lopez, Program Manager, Catholic Charities of the East Bay Project BMAT
Mey Saeteurn, Program Director, Catholic Charities of the East Bay Project ACCESS
Learn Math and Business Soft Skills Online
Janet Scarpone, Author and Online Professor; Valerie Schmidt, Author and Lead Engineer
CASAS Content Standards and the Common Core State Standards: where do they intersect?
Patty Long, Susana van Bezooijen, CASAS Program Specialists
"Going the Distance with OTAN and USA Learns!"
Kathleen Jain: ESL Distance Learning Coordinator and teacher, Berkeley Adult School
Laura Grossmann: ESL Distance Learning teacher, Berkeley Adult School
Blair Roy: Project Specialist, OTAN
Free courses to link your students to success!
Penny Pearson, Coordinator, Distance Learning Project, OTAN
Beyond the Deadend: LInking Academics with Career Development and Helping ABE/ASE Students Gain Career Awareness to Attain Career Success
Valerie Clifford, Curriculum Coordinator/Teacher, Campbell Adult and Community Education
Creating a Bridge for Adult Students to Job Training and Post-Secondary Programs
Lynne Nicodemus Vice Principal Pittsburg Adult Education Center
Transitioning to Postsecondary
Lillie Clausen, CALPRO Facilitator
Classroom 2.0: e-Portfolios in the Adult ESL Classroom
Deborah Gordon, Teacher, Oakland Unified School District
In an effort to be green, the preferred method of registering for the Bay Section Winter Conference & Excellence Awards is online. Registration fee includes morning refreshments, all workshops, exhibitors, awards ceremony celebrating your colleagues, and lunch.
Early Bird Registration (Before or on February 29, 2012)
• $50 CCAE Current Member • $60 Non CCAE Member
Registration (After February 29, 2012)
• $70 CCAE Current Member • $75 Non CCAE Member
Workshop Presenter Discount• $25 CCAE Member (Maximum of 2 discounted registrations per workshop)
Guest Attending Awards Luncheon Only• $15 per guest
To register for the Bay Section Winter Conference & Excellence Awards by PayPal or credit card, click on the "Register by PayPal or Credit Card" button below.
Online conference registration cut off date is March 7, 2012.
To register for the
Bay Section Winter Conference & Excellence Awards by check or purchase order, click on the "Register by Check or Purchase Order" button below to fill out the online conference registration form. After you fill out the conference registration form, you will be redirected back to this page. Please make your checks payable to "CCAE" and mail your conference registration check or purchase order to:
Susie Stanley
Mt. Diablo Adult Education
One Santa Barbara Road, Ste. #210
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523
(925) 682-8000, Ext. 3916
Online conference registration cut off date is March 7, 2012.
The Call for Presenters in now closed. If you have any questions about the workshops please contact:
Bob Harper, Vice President
Campbell Adult and Community Education
1224 Del Mar Avenue, San Jose, CA 95128
You can support the Bay Section Conference & Excellence Awards as a sponsor and/or an exhibitor. The theme of the conference is "Linking Adults to Opportunities." The conference will be held at Berkeley Adult School, 1701 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley, California.
The cost to participate is:
• $200 for one table, recognition in conference guide, and one lunch
• $300 for two tables, recognition in conference guide, and two lunches
• Additional lunches may be purchased for $15.00 each
• $40 for exhibitor workshop presentation. The fee is waived for current CCAE institutional members. Please submit your workshop presentation proposal by filling out the
online Call for Presenters form. If the presentation will not be possible, due to space or time constraints, this fee will be refunded.
Reserve your space by clicking the appropriate button below. The deadline for exhibitor and vendor registration is February 29, 2012.
If you have any questions please contact:
Debbie Norgaard
Liberty UHSD Adult Education
929 Second St., Brentwood, CA 94513
925-634-2565, Ext. 1073
norgaard@libertyuhsd.k12.ca.usWe truly appreciate your support. We look forward to seeing you at the conference.